Top Rated Probation Violation Lawyer
Phoenix Arizona For 2025
Arizona Probation Violation and Now Facing Jail or Prison?
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Do I Need a Probation Violation Lawyer Phoenix Arizona?
Some criminal defendants believe that their case is over after they have been sentenced. Nothing can be further from the truth. Even if you’re convicted of a minor or petty offense, the court may sentence you to a period of probation or supervised release.
This doesn’t mean you’re free to do as you please, however: violating the conditions imposed on you can result in serious consequences including jail or prison time, increased fines, an inability to serve further probation time, and others.
A warrant may be issued for your arrest. In that case, the police may show up at your home to serve the warrant and take you to jail. The police will then file their report. They’ll also contact your probation officer to inform them of your being taken into custody. You’ll need to stay in jail until your hearing. This is when you’ll appear before the court for the verdict, which could also include additional sentencing. If they can’t find you, your next traffic stop could very well become your next ride – to jail.
If you or a loved one has violated probation and you’ve got questions, we’re available to help. One of our focus areas is as a probation violation lawyer in Phoenix Arizona. We’ll answer all of your questions during an in-person free consultation appointment. If you or a loved one has been accused of violating probation or other supervised release, we can help reduce – or in some cases avoid – the serious penalties and consequences of a probation breach.
TIP: The sooner you contact an attorney to help you with your offense, the better off you’ll be. Your attorney can help you avoid making the situation worse, and will do his best to make it better for you. And the initial consultation is free – you’ll get the valuable information you need to potentially avoid more serious issues.
Get the aggressive, knowledgeable, and successful legal counsel of The Ferragut Law Firm on your side. Call 602-324-5300 today – we’ll do everything we can to help you as your probation violation lawyer Phoenix Arizona.
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How Did I Violate My Probation?
Before or shortly after being placed on probation, you will be informed of the conditions you must meet to successfully complete probation. If you fail to comply with these conditions, a court can find that you violated your probation. People tend to violate their probation by:
- Obtaining another charge or conviction (even a traffic ticket can be enough in some cases);
- Drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs;
- Contacting the victim, a co-defendant, or any other person you are ordered not to contact;
- Failing to pay fines and costs you are ordered to pay;
- Failing to report to your supervising officer as directed;
- Failing to successfully complete court-ordered drug, alcohol, anger management, and/or mental treatment.
Any one of these actions (or lack of a required action) can be enough to convince a judge you violated your probation. It is not uncommon for the prosecution to wait until there have been several violations before bringing this to the judge’s attention. Because of that, don’t think that just because it appears you got away with one offense that you can continue to violate your probation terms.
Be extremely cautious when considering not abiding by your probation terms – you can get yourself in very hot water, very quickly.
What Happens if I Violate My Probation?
A violation of your probation can result in your probation being revoked. This action can have serious repercussions, including the court imposing a prison sentence. Depending on how severe your violation is as well as other relevant factors, possible outcomes following a probation violation include:
- Reinstatement on probation with the original terms and conditions;
- Reinstatement on probation with additional terms and/or conditions;
- Reinstatement on probation with more intensive supervision;
- Jail/prison sanctions.
When you are charged with violating your probation, your first court hearing will inform you of how you are alleged to have violated your probation. Mr. Ferragut will do everything anything possible to have you reinstated on probation.
If no agreement is reached, you will have an opportunity to admit or deny the alleged violations. If you admit to – or if you deny the allegations and the prosecutor presents evidence showing you did violate your terms of probation – the court will determine how to dispose of your case. Serious violations (such as new criminal charges or failing to report) or repeat violations will increase the likelihood of a more severe disposition.
Charged with a Probation Violation?
You should treat a probation violation allegation as seriously as a criminal charge and retain experienced legal counsel. Just because you do not believe your violation is serious does not mean that a court will see it that way, too. Attorney Ulises Ferragut can help you negotiate for the reinstatement of your probation and go to court with you if necessary. Where this is not possible, Mr. Ferragut can challenge the evidence of the violation at your violation hearing.
Even if you are found to have violated your probation, Mr. Ferragut can help argue why jail or prison would not appropriate for you.
Arizona probation violation defense attorney Ulises A. Ferragut, Jr. is experienced in representing criminal defendants through all stages of criminal proceedings, including hearings where someone has violated the terms of their probation . He will fight aggressively to have it reinstated for the original term and with the original conditions. Call the successful probation violation legal counsel in Arizona. The Ferragut Law Firm is available for a free consultation by calling 602-324-5300 – we answer our phones and return calls 7 days a week.
Here is further information on probation violation in AZ. Here are our other practice areas.