Need a DUI Lawyer in Phoenix Arizona?
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Why Hire The Ferragut Law Firm to be Your Phoenix DUI Attorney?
- Save money – we charge less than most big firms
- You’ll be represented by Mr. Ferragut; you won’t get handed down to any junior lawyer
- Since 1998 Mr. Ferragut has successfully defended hundreds of DUI cases
- Your rights will be protected by a fighting and tough criminal attorney
- Get your questions answered in a free consultation, with no obligation to hire us
Call 602-324-5300 for your free consultation now.
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DUI Charges in Phoenix Are Scary

Some or all of these questions could very well be going through your mind right now:
Should I find a good lawyer to help defend my DUI charges?
Also, if you’re convicted of the DUI, your life could be seriously affected for many years. That’s what scares almost everyone and is why they look to hire an a DUI attorney in Phoenix to help them defend those charges.
Do I need an Arizona DUI attorney or can I use one from out of state?
If that’s not the case, you’ll want to hire an Arizona licensed DUI lawyer so he or she can represent you legally. The Ferragut Law Firm only has a presence in Arizona – we don’t practice in any other state. Plus we are a top-rated DUI lawyer located in downtown Phoenix.
How much will Arizona DUI charges cost me?
An Arizona DUI lawyer should cost you somewhere between $1,000 and $10,000 – the cheapest probably won’t be the best, and the most expensive may not necessarily be the best, either. You may also need to pay for experts to testify on your behalf if necessary in your Arizona DUI case. Your attorney can help you determine that.
Police will charge any person driving on the roads in Arizona for DUI if they suspect them of driving while intoxicated – that’s their job – to keep Arizona roads safe. They will often charge a person with any other laws that are broken while they’re stopped for the DUI. As you can see, Arizona is tough on DUI offenses. If you’ve been charged, you may wish to learn about the Arizona DUI laws so you’ll know what could be expected.
The DUI lawyer that will represent you must be extremely knowledgeable about the DUI laws so they can provide the best defense possible in your case. However there’s no guarantee that they’ll be successful in overturning a DUI charge and having you found innocent. Much of the time this requires legal circumstances that either prove your innocence or there was a problem with the legal procedures whereby an arresting officer acted inappropriately or failed to do something that was legally required.
If you’re found guilty, you’ll need to pay for any fees and fines that the court assigns. There are many, and are based on several facts, plus a judgement call on the part of your judge. Those facts are whether this was a first offense or if any previous DUI arrests or other offenses are on your record, and whether this was an aggravated DUI or not.
You’ll also need to pay for jail time, towing if your vehicle was impounded, vehicle storage fees to get it out of impound, any other requirements the court imposes, and other miscellaneous charges. On top of that, there’s the price that you’ll pay in potential job loss, potential relationship stress and loss, and other life issues that can be the result of a DUI.
Defending these charges requires a lot of work in most cases, so hiring a great DUI lawyer should be at the top of your priority list..
What are those costs worth in terms of your ongoing living circumstances? You want to look at the value of the attorney – if you’re able to get off the charges or get them reduced because of his or her work, is it worth paying the price to retain an experienced and tough lawyer to help you defend those charges? Most people say yes to that question.
Where can I get the money to pay a Phoenix DUI lawyer?
That’s a really good question. An accountant would most likely offer this very sound advice: if you can’t afford something then you shouldn’t try to afford it. However, in this case your life is on the line. You probably don’t want just a good attorney – you probably want a great one. And it’s going to cost money.
But this is a decision that you must make for you. No one can make that decision for you. Know if this is important enough for you, you will find a way to make it happen. You probably have people in your life that are willing to help.
And, the people in your life would probably be willing to help you. But be prepared to admit to them and to yourself that you need help and that you’re going to commit 100 percent to not drink (or drug) and drive ever again. They care about you and they want to know that you’re going to be safe when you’re driving on Arizona roads.
What should I tell my DUI lawyer?
Listen to their questions carefully and answer those question the best you can. If there’s something they didn’t ask but you have information that you think could help, then spill it!
How can I get off the DUI charges in Phoenix?
Many times if the charges can’t be removed completely they can be reduced. This means you’ll have less legal consequences and for a lesser period of time than if the original arrest charges had stuck.
What happens if I can't get off the DUI charge?
Your best line of defense in this particular case is for you and your Arizona DUI attorney to explain that you’ve learned your lesson, you’re going to get help (like joining a 12-step program also known as Alcoholics Anonymous) and you’re going to change your life for the better, effective immediately, plus you’re going to commit to those positive life changes for the rest of your life.
You’re going to have to find a way to prove those things before you go to court. Figure out what you can to change your life, begin making those changes, be sure you’re absolutely committed to those changes, and present proof of those changes on your court date.
Lastly, be ready to accept responsibility for your previous actions as well as accept whatever punishments you’re assigned. If the court finds you guilty, and you’re really guilty, you have no one to blame but yourself. Start being a winner today – change your life now and make it the best it can be.
Will I need to go to jail, pay a fine, get probation, or anything?
If you have been found guilty, the judge will order your punishment. That punishment could be anything from a short probation term all the way up to a lengthy jail term and/or heavy fines. All of that depends on your individual case, the circumstances behind the case, and whether you’re a repeat offender.
If you’ve got a tough lawyer that fights for you, he or she will speak up for you at your trial and explain any circumstances why you should receive a reduced sentence or fines, etc.
In the end, the judge will render the decision regarding your legal obligations post-trial, and his decision is final – unless you can file an appeal or a Post Conviction Relief Petition.
How will a DUI conviction affect my life in Phoenix?
In regards to your personal life, your relationships may suffer. Your DUI doesn’t just affect you; it also affects the people that you love and care about, in many more ways than you are probably thinking about right now. So next time you consider driving while intoxicated, please do yourself a huge favor: consider the people in your life. Are they worth it enough for you not to do that again?
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs has gained attention in recent year. To defend against those charges requires a great lawyer in the Phoenix metro area. All of the attention is due to several causes. First, public information campaigns have been launched by many local and national agencies. Second, several instances have occurred in which high-profile individuals or young vehicle occupants were injured and killed. There are reports that arrests are on the decline in Arizona. Enforcement of AZ State DUI laws remains tough, though. Even a first-time conviction can result in serious fines and mandatory jail time.
For this reason, you must be proactive and aggressive in responding when facing a driving under the influence charge. Although difficult, it is possible to beat it. However, you should really hire an experienced, superior counsel to help. Going about defending yourself is really not a good idea. If you think you might be able to beat it and save the money, you will probably not be pleased with the results because the chances are very high that you will not be successful. Here is why: you don’t know the laws nor do you have the courtroom experience.
To make matters worse, you could actually get yourself into a ton of legal trouble. Be smart about this for yourself. Ulises Ferragut as a DUI lawyer in Phoenix has defended over 100 Arizona drivers charged with DUI-related offenses. Contact him immediately following being charged. He will do everything possible to preserve your freedom and driving privileges. He accepts calls any hour of the day any day of the week!
Let Mr. Ferragut show you he is the best lawyer to defend against DUI charges that Phoenix Arizona can offer. He is known for his tough courtroom behavior and caring attitude toward his clients. He will do everything he can within the law to help you win your case.
Here are the Arizona Statutes regarding DUI and drunk driving for your reference.
Learn About Driving Under the Influence Charges in Arizona
Driving under the influence (DUI) anywhere in Phoenix or Arizona is prohibited law. A majority of drivers charged this offense are alleged to be under the influence of alcohol. The truth is there are a variety of substances that can render a person to be DUI in Phoenix. You can be found guilty if you are:
- Impaired in any manner or to any degree by any combination of things. This includes alcohol, liquor, drugs, or vapor-releasing substances.
- Found to have a breath or blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more. This occurs within 2 hours of the time you were last seen driving.
- Operating a truck or other commercial motor vehicle and have an breath or blood alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater.
- Under 21 years old and have any “spirituous liquor” in your body.
- Found with an illegal drug or metabolite an illegal drug in your body.
There are additional facts which can result in enhanced penalties. For example, you can expect to pay a higher fine and be subject to more serious jail / prison sentences if any of the following apply to you:
- Your alcohol concentration is over 0.15 but less than 0.20 (called an “extreme DUI” offense).
- Your alcohol concentration is over 0.20 (called a “super extreme DUI” offense).
- You have previous convictions for driving under the influence offenses.
- You were DUI while your license was suspended because of the same offense.
- You had children under the age of 15 in the car while you were DWI.
How could a police officer know if may be guilty of this offense? The most telling trait would be if you were in an accident. When the police officer arrives on-scene, he or she will perform a sobriety check. If you act like you may have been drinking or under the influence of drugs, he or she will definitely begin a field sobriety test. Another way a police officer can tell would be during a routine traffic stop. Again, if he or she detects any possibility of inebriation, they will perform a field sobriety test.
A third way of a police officer detecting possible driving while intoxicated is by someone driving erratically. This could include swerving off to the side of the road. Or they may not be able to maintain your vehicle in the lane properly. Have you been caught driving under the influence? You will need the toughest, most experienced, and top rated DUI lawyer Phoenix has to offer.
If there is any possibility that you could be driving UI we strongly recommend that you find someone to take you home. Ask a relative or a friend, or hail a cab or Uber/Lyft. The small amount money you spend will be smart money, especially in comparison to receiving hefty fines, jail time, or even seriously hurting another person or yourself.
Here are the Arizona Statutes regarding DUI and drunk driving for your reference.
Penalties for an Arizona Offense of DWI
Potential penalties depend on how many DUI convictions in Phoenix and in Arizona you have within the previous seven years. Of even greater importance can be whether any aggravating factors were present. These penalties include fines, mandatory imprisonment, driver’s license suspension, and other costs and fees. Expect to receive:
- First offense (30 day to 1 year license revocation).
- Standard DUI: 24 hours to 10 days in jail, $250 minimum fine.
- Extreme: 30 to 90 days (consecutive) in jail, $250 minimum fine.
- Super Extreme: 45 to 90 days (consecutive) in jail, $500 minimum fine.
- Second offense (1 year license revocation).
- Standard: 10 to 90 days in jail, $500 minimum fine.
- Extreme: 120 days in jail (60 days must be served consecutively), $500 minimum fine.
- Super Extreme: 180 days in jail (90 days must be served consecutively), $1,000 minimum fine.
- Third offense.
- 3 year driver’s license revocation.
- Four to 45 months in prison.
- Minimum fine of $750
You need a competent and skilled attorney to help you avoid jail time and hefty fines. You want the best defense lawyer Phoenix Arizona has to offer to help you with any type of DUI charge.
DUI Defense Lawyer Phoenix Arizona
DUI offenses are difficult to defend against. A top rated lawyer in Phoenix such as Mr. Ferragut offers can exploit any and all weaknesses in the government’s case against you. This can result in your charges being reduced or even dismissed. Ulises Ferragut and his legal team have been extremely successful in helping over 100 people defend AND WIN against their alleged crimes of DWI in Arizona. The Ferragut Law Firm team stands ready to help you today. Contact the tough, experienced, successful, reasonably priced and ultimately top rated DUI lawyer Phoenix Arizona offers at 602-324-5300 or 602-370-4597 at night and on weekends.
Need to see what else we help with? Take a look at our other practice areas. Or take a look at our helpful article Top 10 Secrets to Getting Off a DUI Charge in Arizona.