In 2001, James Saville Contacted The Ferragut Law Firm For Help Defending an Attempted Murder Case - AGAINST SHERIFF JOE ARPAIO.

But.. What Ulises Ferragut Was About To Learn in Defending This Case Will Astound You

Watch the videos below and discover what happened for yourself as the case unfolds and the amazing verdict becomes known!


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DatelineNBC: The Plot Thickens

In part 1, we discover who James Saville is.

We discover what his background is and what he was accused of (and caught laughing about it). 

BUT WAIT…. is everything as it appears??

You will observe the beginning of the defense’s case in helping discover the TRUTH about what actually happened. You will hear recordings of the defendant’s conversations AND see actual footage of the series of events that led up to and including his arrest!

Part 2: The Plot Thickens

Here we discover who Saville’s cellmate really is because we listen to actual conversations between them!

Plus, we get a BIRD’S EYE view of the investigation by Ulises Ferragut!

And a plea is taken, then RETRACTED!! Keep watching as this amazing story unfolds….

CONCLUSION: The Plot Thickens

In this stunning conclusion, the video reveals more evidence as to whether this was really entrapment, what the jury’s verdict came back as, and the reactions of the people involved.

Watch the exciting conclusion to this amazing story!

Looking for a criminal defense attorney in Arizona that cares, that can win your case for you?

Call The Ferragut Law Firm today if you need an experienced, tough, aggressive, successful, CARING criminal defense attorney in Phoenix Arizona! Call 602-324-5300 today!

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